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Certificate in Dramatic Acting

Updated: Apr 2

A series of 5 classes to prepare you for all the drama. Pun intended.

This five course certificate will prepare you for you dramatic role dream. Learn everything you need from the basics of acting to winning your coveted award and giving an acceptance speech. If you are serious about acting, this certificate is a must for aspiring dramatic actors.


  1. ACTING 101 - The basics. Navigating sides, Remembering lines, headshot, auditions, casting directors, extra work vs speaking roles, getting into the S.A.G. Union, attracting an agents and everything you need to know to get your career Started. ( This course is 6 Weeks ).

  2. THE CRAFT OF ACTING 108 - This foundational course gives you understanding of practicing the craft of the actor. Beginning with theater games and improvisations, class participants will be challenged to explore and stretch their physical and emotional ways of expression and the scope of their imaginations. Students will begin to work with scripted material in the second half of the course and will learn basic script analysis to support their work with text as they integrate earlier exercises into presentation of scripted material. ( 5 Weeks)

  3. ACTING FOR SCREEN 115 (108 PR) - Portraying a character on scree the intimate relationship between actor and camera. Experienced actors and those new to acting begin working before the camera in the first class. Breaking down and filming scenes from television and film scripts, actors learn to make nuanced, authentic choices based on commitment to action, responsibility to text, investing in subtext and understanding what their physicality and behavior reveal. ( This course is 5 Weeks )

  4. SCEEN STUDY 126 (115PR) - Here students will learn techniques and skills designed to help them move from basic text work to detailed scene study. The class will focus on methods of script analysis; playing actions; particularizing emotional meanings; ways to make creative choices while respecting the writer's intent, and how to balance spontaneity with precision and aspects of character development. The goal of this class is to empower you to be be confident (because of preparation) in both the audition and after you land the role. ( This course is 5 Weeks )

  5. REEL OUT 150 (115PR) - Here students will be given material to audition for and then will be selected to be filmed portraying these roles. Students will be given an edited copy of their performance and be seen by and meet casting directors, agents and directors. ( This course is 6 Weeks )

This Complete Certificate Program is $5,950.00
Individual Classes are $1400 each The individual 150 Course is $1,500.00
Individual Class Curriculum Availabile Spring 2024

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